Members will enjoy access to a growing catalogue of Videos on Demand and Livestream classes. The VOD section includes classes in Flexibility, Handstands, Acro Floorwork, Barre, Stretch & Strength and Yoga. Members will find full length 60 minutes classes, 20 to 30 minute conditioning classes and short skill tutorial videos.

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  • L 1 35 Min Conditioning -- Wrists, Elbows, & Shoulders

    L 1 35 Min Conditioning -- Wrists, Elbows, & Shoulders

    Foundation-level class focused on conditioning for both bent and straight arm positions. Includes optional higher-intensity exercises that may not be suitable for all Level 1 participants.

  • L 1: Handstand Prep & Ground Work

    L 1: Handstand Prep & Ground Work

    L1 Handstand Prep & Ground Work is a class designed for those looking to begin handstand training. We will work to build greater technical understanding, range, strength, comfort, line and ability within this higher level skill in various forms of dance and yoga. Please note that no actual handstand is included in class.

  • L 1/2: Handstand Tuck and L Shape
    • 6/4/24

    L 1/2: Handstand Tuck and L Shape

    Class contains L 1/2 level content that will focus on maintaining alignment and control during transitions through tuck, and will build endurance will L-Shaped holds. Class content will aim to build the conditioning, technical understanding, and awareness through Isolation exercises, self-tactile cueing, and any other means that may be more individually directed.

  • L 3: Single Leg Lift Off to Handstand
    • 6/4/24

    L 3: Single Leg Lift Off to Handstand

    Class contains L 1/2 level content that spends over half of the session on conditioning drills on the floor before moving to wall. If choosing to invert on the wall, please ensure that you can control your movement safely without a spot.

  • L 2: Handstand Alignment
    • 6/4/24

    L 2: Handstand Alignment

    Class contains L2 content structured to enhance the alignment for handstand shapes that have been covered over the past two months in the livestream classes. While exercises do move to the wall, there are options to keep feet on the ground instead.

  • L 3: Handstand Conditioning w/Neuro Drills
    • 10/10/24

    L 3: Handstand Conditioning w/Neuro Drills

    L 3: Handstand Conditioning is designed for those who have built the foundation required to move on and off the wall safely, without a spot, through basic handstand shapes. Much of the class focusses on the ground work, followed by drills against the wall.

  • L 4: Handstand Conditioning
    • 12/11/24

    L 4: Handstand Conditioning

    The session includes L4 progressions for those who are able to lift feet from ground in the centre with control in tuck, donkey kicks, slo-mo cartwheel, and single leg switch lifts. Conditioning will include the use of a chair, couch (if avail), and controlled handstand shapes against the wall.

  • L4/5: Handstand Flow/Sun Salutations
    • 7/19/24

    L4/5: Handstand Flow/Sun Salutations

    Class contains L4/5 content that is structured to enhance greater balance, control and endurance of handstand shapes within sun salutations. Participants should be comfortable taking both feet from the floor in the centre without a spot and know how to safety fall out of their inversions.

  • L4/5: Hollow Back Inversions w/Wall
    • 6/17/24

    L4/5: Hollow Back Inversions w/Wall

    Class contains L4/5 structured to enhance greater balance, control and endurance leading to Hollow Back Inversions with a wall support. Participants should be well versed in backbending alignment cues in positions with arms overhead and ready for the next step in inverting them.

  • L 5: Intro to Scorpion Handstand
    • 6/4/24

    L 5: Intro to Scorpion Handstand

    Class is structured to enhance greater balance, control and endurance leading towards Scorpion Handstand. The L 4/5 content will aim to build the conditioning, technical understanding and awareness through isolation exercises, and self-tactile cueing.