Members will enjoy access to a growing catalogue of Videos on Demand and Livestream classes. The VOD section includes classes in Flexibility, Handstands, Acro Floorwork, Barre, Stretch & Strength and Yoga. Members will find full length 60 minutes classes, 20 to 30 minute conditioning classes and short skill tutorial videos.

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  • L 3 Bent Arm Balances: Crow, Headstand to Crow, Koundinyasana/Split on Arm, & Peacock

    L 3 Bent Arm Balances: Crow, Headstand to Crow, Koundinyasana/Split on Arm, & Peacock

    Arm balance class that works on both conditioning and skill development for crow, headstand to crow, Koundinyasana/split on arm, and peacock.

  • L 3: Ashtanga Yoga Transitions
    • 12/8/24

    L 3: Ashtanga Yoga Transitions

    L 3: Ashtanga Yoga Transitions is a dynamic flow class that is strongly influenced from transitions found within primary and intermediate series of Ashtanga Yoga.

  • L 3: Yoga Arm Balances
    • 6/9/24

    L 3: Yoga Arm Balances

    L 3: Yoga Arm Balances. Class will begin with a Primary Series warm-up that includes other bent-arm support isolation exercises, and move on to selection of bent arm balances found in the Intermediate and Advanced Series of Ashtanga Yoga.

  • L 1: Chaturanga Tutorial
    • 6/4/24

    L 1: Chaturanga Tutorial

    L 1: Chaturanga can be a useful addition for those seeking more understanding of the technique and conditioning required to build the strength and mobility for this foundationl skill in dance and yoga. Many skills, such as bent-arm balances, push-ups, and various acro dance skills require Chaturanga for safety, comfort, and progression. Many of the exercises in this class are performed from the knees, which may not be right for all.

  • L 1: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Tutorial
    • 6/4/24

    L 1: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Tutorial

    L 1: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana can be a useful addition for those seeking more understanding of the technique required for the posture. The video is a tutorial, so assumes that you will only follow along if you are warmed up for the Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana.

  • L 3: Bent Arm Balances
    • 6/4/24

    L 3: Bent Arm Balances

    L 3: Bent Arm Balances. Class this week will focus on the technique behind and conditioning for common bent arm balances found in yoga. Skills such as Crow/Crane Pose, or Galavasana may be included.

  • L 3: Forearm Stand/Pincha Mayurasana
    • 6/4/24

    L 3: Forearm Stand/Pincha Mayurasana

    L 3: Forearm Stand/Pincha Mayurasana. Class is structured to enhance greater balance, control and endurance leading up to forearm stands.