Livestreams are available throughout the month for both Members and Guests. Please view the drop-in schedule for guests and the livestream schedule for Members below.

February’s Feature:



This February, join me for livestream and on-demand classes focused on strength, technique, and movement quality. Build a strong foundation, expand your range, and refine shapes, skills, and transitions applicable to dancers, yogis, and other movers.

Shapes – Bridges & Splits: Explore how flex work (active flexibility & mobility) is applied to the stylistic requirements of bridge and split positions in dynamic movement practices. Examples include: Dancer's Bridge, Jade Split, Bird of Paradise, & Full Bridge.
Skill Focus – Handstands: Explore balance, alignment, and endurance in handstands both on and off the wall.
Strength – 30-Min Supplementary Strength Training: Weekly class with targeted drills to reinforce stability and support your movement practice.
Shapes & Skills in Motion: Refine transitions with sequences focusing on resistance, release, intent, and style. 

Livestream sessions are held throughout the month to allow for consistency in mobility, conditioning, acro floorwork, handstands, yoga and dance training. Each month will add an extra element of focus. All classes are open to Members.

*No extra charges for livestreams—all are included in the membership.
*Classes are subject to changes and cancellations.
*Pre-registration is requested from members for most classes. No penalty for cancellations.


Please note if there are prerequisites for the Weekend Class class. Bronwen encourages attendance to get the most out of the session, yet the link will be available for those unable to make it for one week after the posting date. The recording will be edited to exclude interactions with students who do not wish to be included.

Latecomers arriving more than 5 minutes late will not be admitted due to safety concerns. Link to Zoom will be provided upon registration. Any questions? Write to Bronwen!


Coming soon!
Fee: $15 CAD / Free for members

Class will include exercises targeted at developing the conditioning, technique, and artistry (line) required for arm balances commonly found in yoga, acro dance, and other movement practices.

Weekend Class Weekend Class
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Weekend Class